Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Abbie's 4th birthday

April 3, 2015


Happy Birthday big girl!  Today you are 4, and what a wonderful 4 years it has been!  I'm so thankful that God called me to be your mama.  I know some days mommy seems so tired, and there is never enough time in one day to get everything done, so thank you for loving me in my days as we figure out life together :)

Today is all about you!  So let me tell you some of the many things I love about you!

  • Your servant heart-  you are so quick to help me out, your brother out, and your friends out especially if you see someone upset or crying.  You will go grab a tissue or hug and kiss them to help them feel better.  Don't ever lose that compassion!
  • You are smart-  you so quickly learn new skills and readily and eagerly understand things as we teach you about your world.  I know sometimes things are hard and you want to quit and give up, but never forget that it's not about being perfect.  It's about practicing to improve, to get better and the purpose that is in that process.  You may someday be talented at many things, but you will never get there if you don't work hard at it.
  • You are beautiful-  your beautiful blue eyes and beautiful blonde curls may someday drive you crazy.  I know mine did for most of my life.  I hated them...until I acknowledged God gave me curls and learned to love mine because He gave them to me.  Besides you have a mama who has curls and understands the frustrations of least we can mourn together someday on the days when it's 95% humidity in an Illinois summer!
  • Your sense of humor-  you are really funny, and not just because you are my child, but are really funny.  You crack jokes, are super silly, and have a great sense of humor!  Don't ever stop smiling and laughing in your days!  Keep finding joy no matter what you do!
  • You are a leader-  already at such a young age it is very obvious that you are a leader- you make up games and play plans and delegate responsibilities to your peers and for some reason they all follow you....may I encourage you to never loose those skills, but to keep a tight rein on them.  When in positions of authority one has power, and power can be so quickly used to hurt, control, manipulate, and for bad.  Always choose to use this for good-  to glorify God in whatever journey He sends you on.  With leadership comes accountability, and when you leave your position of leadership at God's feet and ask Him to be glorified in your work and play and for Him to lead your steps....amazing things will happen!
  • Your love for God-  this is the most amazing thing about you....already at such a young age you understand what Jesus did for you on the cross.  A few months ago you asked Him into your heart...such an amazing moment to be a part of as a parent and I am so glad we are on this journey with you!  We will do our best to continue to teach you about God's amazing love for you, and I'm sure you will teach us a thing or two in the process!  Never forget that everything you ever do in this life is ultimately for Him...your work ethic in school, someday in a job, your relationships and how you treat others, your's all for Him.  We get one life to live, make it count, and know that we are right here beside you trying to do the same thing!

Here are a few pictures from our day:

 You helping frost some of the extra pieces from your cake....I later found out you ate them all without telling me :)

 The Birthday Plate I made this year for our family to use on our birthdays (unfortunately Pinterest led me astray....I now need to touch it up with "oil based sharpies" instead of regular ones and bake it again to make sure it's permanent!

 You with your Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

You specifically wanted the inside of the cake to be blue and the outside to be pink with white polka dots and black frosting-  it looks like a messed up gender reveal cake, but it's what you wanted, and it's your day! :)

This weekend we are celebrating your birthday along with some of your friends birthdays with a picnic at the zoo-  looking forward to fun times with some of our favorite people.

Thank you Abigail for the blessing of being able to call you our daughter!  I love you more than mostest mostest more more more more mostest mostest...




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