Monday, January 30, 2012

Priorities: Balancing Family and Ministry

It's hard to keep up with all the blogs these days but I came across this blog called Passionate Homemaking awhile back and really liked it. I follow it as often as I can, which sometimes might be every few weeks but tonight the entry caught my eye. It was on Balancing Family and Ministry. I must say as a mom who is still trying to figure it out it was a great reminder that we daily need to seek out God's will. To be in communication with him throughout our day everyday, not just on Sundays. Sometimes I want a quick answer. I am so structured. I need a plan. Ground rules and a to do list. God isn't like that. Doesn't mean he doesn't like order....we just need to be open to what he has for us everyday....I've been enjoying letting him be more of my day lately instead of just making it through everyday on my own. I've been trying to keep an ear open as I go about my day to day things...looking for moments to include Abbie in my day to help these typical mundane chores become teachable, quality time moments. Opening my ears up to what he has for me in helping out friends or speaking encouraging words. My cup feels more full than I've let it be in a long time. This season of my life is the busiest I have ever been, and yet letting God finally take control of's given me more joy and fullness than I've had in a long time. Anyway...go check out the link. It's a good read in a good perspective!


  1. It's a good reminder to look for those "teachable moments". That's something that my mom has told me before, and I know it was good for me growing up! Thanks for sharing this!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog earlier this week. :-)

  2. Do you know the title of the blog? I went to the site and skimmed really quick and couldn't find what I thought I would be looking for. This is something that I have been trying to improve on too. Thanks!

  3. Ang,
    I tried the link again and it went to a blog called Passionate Homemaking....I think titled Screaming (or crying)babies and praying mammas, which was the entry I was referencing. Let me know if you still have trouble.
