Friday, January 8, 2016

One Word

A few years ago, I noticed a few popular Christian authors and bloggers encouraging people at the start of the New Year to pray about "One Word" that God maybe giving them to focus on for the year.  These were words that could represent something they felt God wanted to be teaching them throughout the year.

I was intrigued by this when I saw it a few years ago, but each time I prayed, nothing big came to mind.  I couldn't settle on one word, and so I just let it go.  Of course I continued to read my bible, have devotion time, etc, I just didn't feel like He wanted me to focus on one particular word for that year, so as 2015 came to a close I asked Him again, "God, is there one word that you want for me to focus on this year?"  And immediately, the word "Surrender" came to mind.  I kind of gasped as I heard it more clearly in my mind, and then the initial shock was followed by an immediate reassurance that I knew this word was for me.  He has been working on my heart all fall, and at the root of all of it, has been me struggling and wrestling with ultimately surrendering everything to Him and trusting that He has all of it under control.

He showed me a lot of ugly in my heart this year, and its been good.  I needed pruning.  I needed silence to hear His voice.  I needed stillness to wait upon Him and trust His timing and His plans.

Through a bible study I participated in at church this fall He revealed to me how much I try to control things.  He showed me how I even seek comfort in having control, and that when I feel out of control I will go to great lengths to regain it....anger, yelling at kids, impatience, belittling my's ugly, ugly sin.

Ultimately He revealed to me that I really don't trust Him enough to believe He has it all under control, which is why I felt I needed to control things for Him.

So here's to 2016.....the year of surrender!  This both thrills, and terrifies me!  There is a lot on my heart that is brewing for 2016, and I'm scared of most of it, but I would much rather jump and take a leap of faith, then walk away in fear of what He is calling me to.

Have you ever heard of the "One Word" challenge?  I encourage you to pray about it, and share here what your "One Word" is, and if nothing comes to mind, what else is He leading you to step out in faith in this year?  I don't think we should set up high expectations in resolutions that are only setting us up to fail, but I do think we have to be mindful of areas He is leading us to grow in, set goals in, and trust Him in faith that He can, and will lead us through it!

Happy New Year!


  1. Beautiful blog! I love how you have expressed your journey and your struggles. Such growth and maturing in your faith! I want to seek for that one word as well. Love you!
