Saturday, August 6, 2011

What I'm loving right now...

Things I am loving right now:

This kids space featured on

I just love it! I love color coordinated things like this. I am trying to figure out how to do my own cheap version in our home with is not that big. In order to even have a kids space it has to be in a common area of our home. My current thoughts are to purchase deeper bookshelves of whatever height I choose...I'm leaning towards two 50inch bookshelves side by side in our sitting room. Then I got this great idea off of my friend Lydia's blog:
Which shows how you can make storage so cheap by wrapping up cardboard boxes with whatever color wrapping paper you want. This gives me the chance to do things super cheap on a tight budget. I have been looking on craigslist for months for bookshelves and they always get snatched up. Plus its harder to find deeper ones for sale at garage sales etc that will hold some larger toys. Anyway, I am pretty pumped at the idea. I am a firm believer that you can't expect a child to learn how and where to put things away if there isn't clear direction of where to put it, because of this I must provide a space. I do think that kids need to learn house rules and respect for property etc, however I know these things won't be learned without something getting broken first. I must say being a mom has changed my heart so much. I still struggle with caring way too much what others think, but now I am so proud to be a mom. I am excited to have a designated space for Abbie and our future children...I want them to be able to explore their world and always have a place within our home no matter how small it maybe to feel free to be creative and play to their hearts content.

Next up is this...

I originally had registered for a more expensive diaper bag and decided I needed to get something cheaper. Well I am regretting that decision now. Not cause it has to be expensive but mostly because I can't find a cheap one with the features I want to be in a diaper bag. I like multi purpose things. I need it to be boy or girl in case we have a boy in the future. I love some of the other prints on JJ Cole website, but kind of feel bad making Dave carry it. I felt like this one was mild enough that it was ok for my hubby to carry it while with me sometimes. Anyway, my sister has one of these in a different color and I loved it! Right now our diaper bag drives me crazy! I throw everything in it and there is one large compartment to hold diapers, wipes, burp rags etc. Drives me nuts and I feel bad sending it to daycare because of its lack of organization. These little bags though have all kinds of cute compartments. I feel like its especially needed with using cloth diapers. They take up a lot of space and I just want it to be easier to use. So we'll see if the hubby lets me get this....I kinda want it a lot :)

Next up is the most adorable 4 month old you'll ever meet...

I can't believe she is 4 months old already! People weren't kidding when they said time flies!

Ok and finally, I am not loving this, but wanted some accountability...I am having trouble with have confidence and motivation that I can lose the rest of this baby weight. More than anything I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin. To be confident even if that means I am a different size. Summer cookouts have made it really hard to refuse cake/every other dessert known to man! Working out is getting boring and counting calories harder than when I did it last year before I got pregnant. I need help ladies! What can I do to motivate myself and hold myself accountable?

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, I'm not sure this will give you much motivation, but you know the struggle I have had with all the weight I've gained being pregnant. I finally just got over it and laugh about it now because there is really nothing I can do about it until after the baby is here. I'm sure that you look great and I'm sure your hubby just loves you the way you are. God made you to be the person you are for a reason, so just remember that. I know it's hard, but you will be fine and even though you may have a different body now, look what you have to show for it, a beautiful healthy baby girl. What more could you ask for?
