Friday, October 26, 2012

Serving in Action

Do you remember back a month or so ago when I wrote this post on Serving Others?  Well I just wanted to share with you a way we put serving into action in our home.  I don't say this to make anyone feel guilty.  I just want to share with you what we did and how simple helping another really can be on tight budgets and tight schedules.  We chose to participate in our churches Baby Bottle Fundraiser.  This fundraiser raises money for a local pregnancy center called Pregnancy Resource Center.  It's so simple.  You are given a baby bottle to be returned by a certain date, and during that time you fill it with your spare change to donate back to the center.  We happen to have a large change jar in our house so we kind of cheated and just used money out of that instead of the accumulating day to day pocket change that we had, but regardless it was a more tangible way for Abigail to see how we could help other people.  Here she is filling up our baby bottles...

To give hope to many...

By being His hands and His feet!

How about you guys?  Any fun serving ideas out there??  

We are having a missions/service week at our church coming up and I am so excited that they would dedicate so much of their time into teaching others how Christ calls us to serve one another!!

Blessings Friends and Happy Friday!!



  1. We're going to be doing "Operation Christmas Child" this year. Looking forward to it! I want to teach the girls about giving to others.

  2. This is a great idea! Wonderful!

  3. I love Operation Christmas Child Kristen. It's so fun to do even without kids so I know you'll have a blast doing it with them! And thanks Ashley! So glad you found my blog. I need to go back and look through some of the other mom's blogs from Women Living Well. So many awesome ones, yours included!
