Thursday, May 22, 2014

Christmas Day

Today feels like Christmas!  I just got back yesterday from visiting my in laws house and they offered to keep Abbie for a few more days.  Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter, but I had no idea how exhausting it is being the parent of a toddler.  She NEVER stops moving!  EVER!  My brain needs rest.  I need quiet.  Solitude.  Today, though I'm still taking care of Alex...really feels like I was given a day off!  Alex still sleeps so much that he is so much easier to take care of.

I've been catching up on things-  resting, reading, organizing what my life will look like once I am working again after my maternity leave is over next week, and I feel better already.  My brain was so clouded and overwhelmed and I'm starting to feel like "I've got this!"

Dave of course is at work today, and I think I've proclaimed today a no shower, stay in my jammies day.  Makes me realize I need to do this for myself more.  Just get out...even if its once Dave gets home some evenings-  to go for a walk, sit in the car even, to allow my head to clear!  When there is so much going on around me I can't think.  I can't sit in God's presence and just rest.

Aside from all of that, it is a doubly awesome Christmas like Day, because Alex just went down for a nap by putting himself to sleep, on his tummy, with NO tears!!!  I'm so excited.  He has been so much easier to sleep train for naps then Abbie was.  We had to work pretty hard through crying it out to teach her to self soothe.  In reality it was really only an intense 3-4 days, but Alex I started working with from Day 1 and he has been so much easier. As of right now, Alex isn't even close to sleeping through the night though.  Abbie was at 6 weeks.  So I was hopeful that maybe he would be the same, but he will be 6 weeks next week and I already know, it's not gonna happen by then!

But just look at this cutie patootie...such a sweet little man!
Don't get me wrong though...I have much to be thankful for.  He typically sleeps at least 1 four to five hour stretch a night, is a fast eater, and always goes right back to sleep, so I'm not really losing much sleep.  Interrupted sleep yes, but at least I'm getting sleep and he isn't up every hour at night.

And because I'm nice  crazy  and wanna keep it real, I'll leave you with a picture on this glorious day-  no makeup, unshowered, messy hair me...enjoying some much needed R & R, and quite a bit of coffee :)


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