Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weightloss Goals:

So prideful me doesn't want to write this post, but the realistic me knows that I just had a baby so whose judging me, and if they are...well too bad, that's not my problem. So I was looking in the mirror last night, just so unhappy with how my body looks right now. I know I know. Give yourself a break Bridget you just had a baby. I repeat BABY! Whose body looks normal 6 weeks after having a baby? I had my 6 week appointment with my OB at the end of the week last week, and the only news I really was waiting to hear while there was my weight (since the last time I had weighed myself was at 5 days postpartum and vowed not to do so again until my 6 week appointment). Well, I am still not completely sure how much weight I gained during my pregnancy. I am positive it was about 37-39#. I know it was at least 37, but by week 39 I could have cared less. I was uncomfortable and wanted to be done, not to mention the fact that Abbie finally came when I was a week overdue...so yeah those last few days...no idea if I gained or lost. Anyway, doctors appointment came and such disappointing news...I weighed 177.2#....are you kidding me? That means I only lost if even...like 2# since my initial 20# loss 5 days after having her. 2#???? I was pissed, sad, and cried after I left. Breastfeeding loses the pounds my butt!! So I wallowed in my self pity for a few minutes and called a friend. She was so encouraging. Coming from a woman who has 3 kids herself and is a skinny, tiny thing. She is like Bridget you only have 16# left? That is awesome! She encouraged me to look more at inches instead of #s, and at least gave me a reality check by saying she never reached her original starting weight until after she stopped breastfeeding cause you need the fat stores to make milk. So I felt a bit better after that conversation, but still just feeling unhappy in my own body. I do have to remember that for about the first 3-4 weeks of this 6 weeks....people brought us food. Such a blessing by the way, but I have to keep in mind that many of those dishes were pasta and had dessert too....not our normal way of eating. So I have decided that I will resume (slowly work back up to) my workout I was doing before I was pregnant: Jillian Micheals 30 day shred 2 days a week and running or other cardio 3x week, as well as eating healthier...push more veggies and fruits, whole grains when I can, etc, and just eat dessert or bad foods in moderation, and weigh myself again in one month. I am not going to count calories just yet. I will eat when I am hungry and try to eat healthy when doing so. I don't want to be obsessive about it unless I need to be later on to get off those last few pounds. So without further ado, here are my stats at 6 weeks and (oh the horror...) my current pictures...blech!

Original stats (or at least the ones I know)
Weight 157# (at least thats what I thought, but I know I weighed 161 on Dave's parents scale so thats what I am going by- maybe I weighed myself there after I was pregnant??? It's ok, hopefully I will eventually lose even more, but we'll see...small goals first!)
Waist: My jeans say 28, but I know whenever I actually measured it was 30 or 31
Hips: I think 40.5
Bust: I was a 36C....so not sure what that would mean for below...

Weight 177.2#
Waist 38inches
Hips: 40.5 (not sure why this is the same??)
Right thigh: 24
Left Thigh: 22.5
Bust:40- not sure that this will change much cause of my needed boobs at the time :) (This isn't the band though...this is around fullest part)

and now the pictures...blech! If you ever want to motivate yourself to work out just take a picture of yourself with your shirt off...ugh!

And if you read my post a few days ago. My goal is back to this...last summer right before we found out we were preggers.....

So here goes nothing...I'll let you know in a month what my new stats are!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you that you look beautiful and I know you won't believe me! I know how important it is to feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror so all I will say is….YOU CAN DO IT ;)…..and be patient, after all you DID just have a baby!
