Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2 Years.....

Really?  Has it really been that long since I first laid eyes on you?  Has it been that long since you came into this world blue, not breathing, and scared the living daylights out of your father.  I knew better.  I knew you were a fighter from the beginning and that you were, and still are.  Has it been that long since I labored for 29 hours to bring you into this world....agonizing as it was in mere moments it was done.  You were here.  Our first born.  Our little girl.

That first moment I saw you and they told me you were a girl....I was in shock.  I was so sure you were a boy.  We didn't know for sure, but we all just expected you to be a boy.  We had a girl name and a boy name picked out though and so from the moment they told me you were a were Abigail Elizabeth.

Your name fits you perfectly.  We named you after Abigail, King David's wife in the bible.  She was a strong women.  Wise and of noble character.  This is my prayer for you Miss Abigail also.  That you would grow in godly character, in wisdom, and strength and that your daddy and I will be the best examples we can to you.

I am so very proud of you Abigail.  You are such a beautiful child.  You've got your mama's curls and onery smile, and your daddy's (used to be) hair color, beautiful blue eyes, and a mixture of the two of us- tall, big feet, mischievous personality, and always on the are long and lean and always have been (that's more your daddy's side though!)

You bring some of the best laughter to my days and it is an absolute joy to be able to call you my daughter.  We are so blessed to have you as a part of our family.  We look forward to celebrating many  more birthdays with you!

Love you always and forever!

And just so I don't forget some of your 2 year milestones.......

  1. You love to read books.  You would read them all day if you could.  Your currently enjoy Winnie the Pooh, Sesame Street, Corduroy, animals of all kind, Llama Llama series, The Critter book series, The Pig a Pancake etc series, Berenstain Bears, Dr. Seuss, really can't get enough of any of them!  Oh and this is worth read The Lord of the Rings with your dad and call the characters by name.  I see your desire to learn already and I hope you continue to be a bookworm and nerd like your parents :) 
  2. You love to be on the move and I find that you are quite bored if you don't have something to do or keep you moving.  You LOVE music.  Of all kinds...particularly Sia, and it isn't too uncommon for daddy or I to have dance parties with you.
  3. You love going to the library, the park, for walks, the discovery museum, grandpa and grandmas farm, watching movies, reading of course, ice cream, CHEESE, and then to counteract the cheese we give you raisins which you ask for asap every morning.  You currently are showing interest in potty training but with no committment what so ever.  You like to sit on the potty and read a book when you see mommy going potty.  
  4. You love school and talk about seeing your teacher "Emmy" almost all the time.
  5. Around Christmas time you started talking quite a bit and putting a few words was only a matter of weeks before you were saying whole sentences, and at about 22-23 months you were quite articulate and using sentences and paragraphs to talk with people regularly.  I am probably the one who understands you best since I am around you most, but sometimes you talk so fast your words slur together...daddy, grandma, and Emmy are all pretty good and figuring out what you are saying though!
  6. You've been having temper tantrums for quite awhile, and I don't know if they will peak and get worse or if this is going to be what your normal is.  I do feel like your ability to communicate so well so early has helped us work through temper tantrums really well though and the ones you do have aren't nearly as bad as I expected them to be.

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