Monday, April 29, 2013

Exciting News!!

We're moving!  (Who likes those people who wait until the end to tell their news anyway...figured I'd just get it all out there :)

After years, many tears, and much prayer on our knees my hubby was given a job offer as a Food Scientist at a company in Chicago.  We've prayed and prayed and hoped for something to happen so I could stay home more with Abigail, but nothing came, and God called me to be a working mom.

During that time my hubby was taking part time classes pursuing his degree to be a Food Scientist so he could get a job still working in a field he loves, but be able to help support a family better financially.

Last year my hubby sacrificed a lot as he decided to continue to work full time while going to school full time so he could finish his classes and graduate and be done to spend time with his girls :)  The year was much harder than I imagined but neither of us have any regrets.  He graduated in May 2012 and I couldn't have been more proud of him.

Being able to see him walk across that stage after seeing him come home from work, night after night and packing his suppers so he could go study at the library or sit with a book in his hands for hours past a normal bedtime in order to achieve his dream was an indescribable feeling.  At times during the journey I wasn't sure we would ever make it, but we did!  He did!  The tears came when he was handed his diploma.  He did it!  We made it!  He was done! 

 And here we are at his graduation last May...we made it!  

And now, almost a year later....Dave has a new job!  He will be starting at the end of May/beginning of June.  

Lots to happen at our house in the next few weeks!  Almost the moment he had the official job offer and we decided to accept I started decluttering our house and deep cleaning so we could get it on the market as soon as possible (I know I say I'm type A, but really people...this has Type A stamped all over it!)

If you think of it would you say a few quick prayers for us right now.  There is a lot on our minds and much to be thankful for yet many things to easily worry about......

  • For our house to sell- I am continuing to work while Dave will live with family in the suburbs until our house sells (at least we are planning to do this for a little while.  Which means I will be a single mom during the week....please please please please house...sell quickly!!)
  • For a smooth transition for Abigail from going to her daycare to staying with Dave's mom and a family friend, to being home with me almost 247 once we finally move (She loves school a lot and I know it will take time to adjust to our new normal and find ways for her to still get the socializing she loves so much!)
  • For a reasonably priced place to live in the Chicago suburbs- ha!  I know right!?  We of course don't want to live in a bad area, but we just pray for a place to live that is no more than an hour commute (at least most days) for Dave to travel into the city.  We also want to rent for a bit to save up a larger down payment for our next house.
  • For Dave and I to grow closer in this process.  When we both get scared and worry about things we tend to lash out at each other and it's all because of fear.  So we've been trying to prayer together when something starts to worry us and it's been helping a lot.  
  • For wisdom- I've been working for so long and also have wanted to be home more for so long, but now that I am facing it....I'm terrified!  Abbie and I's personalities are a lot alike- I worry about her being bored with me and us getting sick of each other quickly being together 247.  We potentially have some job options for me which we are seeking out (mostly would be from home with minimal work outside of the home-  more on those later as things evolve if they do :)   I do enjoy a work life balance, but the more kids we have, the more you pay for daycare, and the less my working makes sense if the entire thing just will go to daycare unless I can find something from home or maybe a minimal part time evening shift somewhere so we wouldn't have to pay as much in daycare.

Ok so my prayer list just got long :)  Thanks for reading it though, and if you have ever moved or relocated would you share your 1 or 2 of your best pieces of advice?  I know I am a pretty organized person, but man, so much is happening at once....I'm trying hard to just focus on one step at a time or else it gets overwhelming!



  1. Congratulations! HOW exciting! Will be praying for you as you all transition!

  2. how exciting Bridget! I will keep you in my prayers. We have moved many times and I know how stressful it can be.

  3. my best piece of advice is to try as best as you can to label you boxes with rooms and number (like k-1 for kitchen 1st box) and then make a list of what went in there. That way if you need something pronto, you can consult the list and locate it without going through every box! - Lindsey Hartlage

  4. Having moved and semi relocated (suburbs to city) in the past year I will admit that you are in for a challenge. HOWEVER that being said, it sounds like with Dave being in school and working full time you and your family have already been greatly challenged but you came out the other side just fine and a little wiser.

    Declutter (which is practically impossible with a little one and ALL of their toys!) and price your house right. We probably could have made more money off of the sale of our house BUT it was under contract in 4 days which as a SAHM trying to keep the house spotless and pack up 2 dogs and 1 toddler several times a day the quick sale was priceless!

    Through all of the unknowns and stress that lie in your future, I couldn't be more excited for you! You and your family are embarking on a new adventure that you have been working towards for some time…how exhilarating :) And as far as becoming a SAHM, it IS the hardest job you will ever do. You will be tested everyday. But it is rewarding (maybe not everyday ;)) and as you bring more babies into your family you will be even more thankful to have that time with them.

    You are a great mom and you will find ways to stimulate and socialize yourself and Abbie and being closer to the city you may find you have many more options.

    Best of luck! Can't wait to read about your journey :)
