Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Fitness Post

Excercise Tips:  Getting Started and How to Keep On Keeping On!!

Exercise is one of those things that I don't think any of us really love entirely.  Some people are obsessed with it, and at times I have been known to say "Wow that was a great run!" but love....associated with exercise  is not something that just comes naturally.  We need to work at it.    Even if we do grow to "love" exercise, I think that we each need to find a healthy sense of balance with it.  As Christians especially we need to find balance in our life priorities.  Yes we need to take care of ourselves, but at different seasons in our lives how much time we are able to devote to exercise will look differently.  Spend sometime praying about what God would like exercise to look like in your life.

  1. Get some accountability- Find someone to be your workout buddy, or if you don't like to workout with others, like me, find someone who you can check in with daily (phone call, text, email) just so you can keep yourself on track.  Often times working out with someone else can make the time go faster and be more fun.  Taking a walk with another person, joining a fitness class, etc can be a part of your weekly fellowship routine.
  2. Start small and make attainable goals- If you need to lose 50# then it isn't going to happen in a month.  Set small attainable goals, and larger long term goals.  You can tweak your progress along the way and change your goals as needed.  If you've never worked out before than don't start a new workout routine by working out for 1 hour 5 days a week.  You'll exhaust yourself!  Instead try working out for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.  Get good at that first.  Then when you are consistently able to do that, increase your # of days, or length of workout time.
  3. Put one foot in front of the other-  Some days you won't feel like working out.  You need to just press on.  What is holding you back?  Set your alarm for a little bit earlier, use your kids nap time, give yourself some me time after you or your hubby get home from work.  When I was early on in my pregnancy with Abbie I continued my close to normal exercise regimen with a few tweaks because I would lose my breath faster, and also was not supposed to do certain types of abdominal exercises due to issues you can cause while pregnant.  I was nauseous almost the entire pregnancy, and what I found odd is that even though I was nauseous and felt horrible especially in the early days, when I forced myself to exercise I always felt much better afterwards.  I had to push through the pain.
  4. Find an exercise regimen you like-  Does your friend love running but you would rather die than run a mile?  Than don't choose running as your activity of choice.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge yourself to try something new because you might surprise yourself, but especially in the early stages, find something you know you can commit to and do it.  As you reach these small goals you can challenge yourself to even bigger goals...maybe even running a marathon someday!  I personally enjoying running.  I alternate my running days with fitness videos like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Insanity.  So find something that works for you!
  5. Know when to rest-  Our bodies do need rest from physical activity.  From my experience it seems most fitness trainers recommend a day off in between any weight lifting/weight training type regimens (or at least using a different group of muscles on opposite days).  For me, I work out Monday through Friday and rest on Saturdays and Sundays.  This gives me time to be structured and disciplined during the week and allow myself a break on the weekends to focus on more quality family time.  It works for us, and I like it.  It doesn't stop us from occasionally going on a family run, or walking to the park though.  

From a biblical standpoint I don't think Jesus cares too much about whether we have big biceps or not, but I do think He wants us to take care of ourselves.

1 Timothy 4:8 says "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

Now I don't want to over spiritualize working out.  Obviously God cares more about what our hearts look like from a spiritual standpoint, but this verse does point out that "physical training is of some value."  So don't make working out an idol, but do take care of your body.  I am a firm believer that the lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis directly effect our effectiveness in God's kingdom.  Because of that I want to try to take care of my health so nothing can stand in the way of what God is calling me to do to bring more glory to Him!

Now what are you waiting for?  Get off the couch and get moving!  You'll thank me for it later!

Any other fitness fans out there have good tips that have worked for you?  Please share!  I'd love to hear them and maybe they'll help someone else in the process!



  1. Hi I really enjoyed reading this encouraging post. I do believe it is good to get a work out buddy... you feel a little more motivated having someone at your side. I am following you now and would love for you to follow back.

  2. Great post! I used to enjoy exercise. I need to get back to that point again.

  3. Just added your site to my bloglovin feed!

  4. Hey Bridget!
    I LOVE exercising! But, similar to as you shared, I have grown to love it over time, after seeing and feeling the good results. Having a healthy habit formed makes a big difference on those early mornings when I don't "feel" like getting out of bed. I know now it's worth it! Like running and walking for me, finding your own workout that works best for you personally, would be my best advice... and give thanks to God for the health to do it along the way. Thanks girl! ~ Love from FullHerlife, Amy :)
