Friday, November 2, 2012

Pure Perfection in a Pizza

Written on an October evening....

My heart is full tonight.  My hubby looked at me just mere minutes ago and said "You just want to have frozen pizza tonight?"  I had already made quesadillas to heat up quickly for dinner earlier today, but oddly enough, I accepted his inquiry with an open heart.  Normally I get defensive.  Question him thinking my planned meal wasn't good enough for his taste buds, but I could sense the ease in his question.  I could see his contentment.  He didn't care.  He didn't have set expectations on me.  He just wanted simple.  I told him my planned meal without defense, and said "Frozen pizza actually sounds really good right now though."  Who says that?  But it was true.  It matched our mood.  We were outside picking up sticks in the yard, Abbie running around to her hearts content, just catching up on our day, and enjoying one of the last warm afternoons of the year.  Simple sounded fantastic. 

So often I burden myself with perfectionism.  Meal Plan- check.  Nutritious, wholesome foods- check.  Make as much as I can from scratch- the point of exhaustion.  Those things aren't bad to do, but having pride in them is.  Exhausting yourself over a to do list and sacrificing time with your family...also bad.  

So tonight my heart is full.  My heart is happy.  Content.  Excited even about eating a $1.99 pizza from aldi.  Excited for food and fellowship around a table, and a date night watching our favorite TV show together on the couch once the little one is in bed.  

I give you my real friends. I am.  My sometimes processed foods eating, love to indulge in a DQ blizzard sometimes (all the time would be my actual desire :), also fails at meal planning sometimes self.  Because I'm not perfect.  I don't have to be.  He chose to be for me, and for that I am so grateful!



  1. Perfection can take over us all if we aren't careful! Frozen pizza sounds delicious right about now though. Thanks for linking up for Mommy Moments Blog Hop with us!

  2. LOVE this! I can so relate on so many levels!. I'm am your newest follower.

  3. I can identify with a number of your honest remarks. It's so easy to have the wrong perspective and so refreshing to have the right one. Bless you.
