Monday, November 19, 2012

Baked Breaded Pork Chops

About a month ago I found some pork chops on bargain sale (aka Krogers quick sale meats that are about to expire if not sold by tomorrow.  Did you know you can get meat in this area for typically 1/2 the price if not more and all you have to do is freeze it for future use?  Awesome!  I like meat but I hate the cost of it so count me in!  So I bought them and froze them to use for a meal in the future.  This week I decided to try to do something with them.  

Random side note...for those of you who don't know me from my former life I grew up on a hog farm.  So you'd think, that me, of all people would know what to do with a pork chop.  Confession....I don't have a clue.  I just ate the meat growing up.  I didn't ever have to cook it.  So after looking online for some ideas I decided to try making baked pork chops with breading and wow!  They did not fail to disappoint!  The chef was quite pleased with the results from my new found dinner idea, and I must confess I was pretty impressed that they were as delicious as they ended up being! 

Baked Breaded Pork Chops

  • 1 egg
  • splash of milk
  • Bread crumbs
  • Parmeasean
  • Italian Seasoning
  • Pork chops (how ever many you want)
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Beat up egg with splash of milk in bowl big enough to dip pork chops into.
  3. Mix a 50:50 ratio of bread crumbs to grated parmeasean cheese, with 1 tbsp of Italian seasoning in separate bowl.  There really isn't a set amount of how much you need to mix together, but if you have a large family make sure you have enough "breading" to coat several pork chops.
  4. I like to use one of my cookie cooling racks onto of a cookie sheet to bake things like this.  It makes them crispy on both sides.  Make sure to coat your cooking sheet and cooling rack with cooking spray for easy clean up later.
  5. Once all pork chops have been dipped in the egg solution and breading, place on cookie sheet and into preheated oven for 25 minutes or until their internal temperature is at least 145 degrees F.
*For a little bit more tang you can dip the pork chops into dijon mustard instead of egg batter before placing in breading.  I've done this with chicken before and its delicious!

They turned out moist, and delicious!  And since I was out of bread crumbs I even got to learn how to make my own.  More on that in another post!  Another simple, frugal entree from my home to yours!

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Looks/sounds so yummy!! I will try this for sure! We have some pork chops in our freezer right now actually!
