Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DIY: Simple Wood Manger

I know I have mentioned this manger before, and believe me there are far more talented DIYers in the world, but I only can get better the more I practice!  I initially saw this idea online and went hunting for a tutorial.  All I could find were pictures so we guessed from looking at the pictures and this is what we came up with!  The point of this manger is merely for looks and for teaching.  I wanted to have something tangible for our family during the holidays that would help remind us to give and do nice things for others around us.  This manger allows us to do that perfectly while also teaching the Christmas story.  During the holiday season when we do something nice to help out another person or for our kids, when they do something without being told, etc they get to add a piece of straw to the manger to help make Jesus' bed.  On Christmas morning I will put a baby Jesus in the manger. Abbie is so young its hard for her to grasp, but she is starting to understand and you have to start somewhere.  I think in the future I would like to continue this during the rest of the year by having a glass jar on the counter in plain sight of our family that we add brightly colored glass marbles or something to.  Then as we fill it up maybe we could use it as a rewards system to go do a fun thing as a family or something.  I haven't fully thought about that yet but parenting is always a work in progress!  So here it goes...our manger.  Hope you enjoy!

  • (4) 1 x 9 inch wood pieces (we almost could have just used lathe)
  • (2) 14.5 x 4 inch pieces cut from (use 1/8 inch plywood)
  • Wood glue
  • Yellow Construction Paper
**To be honest...you can make the manger as big or small as you want to just make sure your pieces are all the same as listed above.  The size we made ends up being about the size of a medium to large slim shoe box


  1. Gather your materials and cut all pieces as listed above using a table saw.  The (4) 1 x 9 inch pieces will need a notch cut half way down on all pieces.  Only cut half way through them though.  See illustration below to help you visualize how this will all come together.  The 4 pieces will be used as the legs/base of your manger forming to "Xs" like this:  

     2.  Place a thin line of wood glue at all sides of the seams on your mangers "legs" to securely fix the "joint" in place.
     3.  Place glue on upward facing portion of manger legs and attach the longer boards to legs as illustrated below.

     4.  Place medium weight book on top of manger after all parts are securely glued together in order to help wood planks lie flat.  

    5.  Wait for your manger to dry and then enjoy!  Cut up thin strips of yellow construction paper to use as "straw" for Jesus bed.

**The manger I originally saw online that I liked had a triangle wood piece fitting at each end of the manger to hold the straw in.  We had one done and not the other and finally I decided I don't care...we can do it for next years manger.  So that is something you can always add.  You just have to measure your angles and cut out a triangle with a table saw that would fit in that spot on both ends.**

I can't say I did this on my own.  My hubby cut the wood for me, and I just glued it together, but have you ever seen Ana White?  She is amazing!  The girl had never used tools in her life and now has completely turned their house upside with DIY projects and is a master mind with a saw, drill, and hammer.  Check her out.  She is awesome!  Hope you enjoy a simple project for your Christmas season!



  1. Curious: What type of things are you counting as straw-placing-wothy for Abbie at this age?

  2. It's kind of trial and error right now but what I've been rewarding thus far is good behavior just because it's our main focus right now with an almost two year old. If she lets me get her dressed without fighting me, being gentle with the dog (she likes to slap her around a lot), listening the first or second time (instead of the typical "No" and run away that she loves to do so much. I figure we'll work on the fine details of this when she is older but for right now we are just rewarding being nice and listening.

  3. Thanks so much for your quick and easy directions! I'm actually using part of a cardboard box for the basket part and cutting the leg boards as you suggested. Blessings!
