Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Leaving a Legacy

With all holidays comes visiting family and friends that we don't necessarily see too often the rest of the year, and with that, at least in my mind comes extra thoughts of pondering and contemplating life.  Deep right?  :)

Dave is still blessed with 3 living grandparents.  All of mine have long since passed away, and with each one I watched my parents struggle to know how to handle having an elderly parent.  I watched my grandparents fight for control.  I watched their eyes sadden as they lost their spouse, lost their house when they no longer could live unassisted, lost their drivers license, lost their health, etc.  No matter who it was they each lost something as they neared the end of their lives.  I now watch Dave's parents going through the same thing as they help assist their own parents with new living situations, etc.  It's heartbreaking.  It's hard and as a mom myself now I am realizing someday I too will go through this with my own parents, with Dave's parents, and ultimately my children will help us through this phase of our lives someday as well.  

As I watch them go through it I can't help but wonder what I will have to give up in my own life? What will I lose?  What will I gain?  And I realize, that all these things that each of our own family has worked so hard for, ultimately will be lost.  Whether its a house, a financial investment, whatever is left over when we are gone, won't be ours anymore.  It will be passed onto the next generation or given to a charity or somewhere else there is a need.  Though I don't think as Christians we are called to be financially irresponsible, it really made me think hard and deep about the type of legacy we want to leave for our own children.  Will I work so hard my entire life to gain financial success and accomplishments and forever be known as the person with a million trophies, and millions of dollars, or will I be the women whose heart for God was evident in all that she did?  Financial gain or not, was obedient to Christ in all that I did in this life?  Someday when I die will I stand before our Savior and hear "Well done, good and faithful servant?"  

Financial gain is not bad.  Nor are accomplishments in this life whether big or small, but like all things, they can be bad when not done for the glory of God.  What about you?  What type of legacy will you leave behind?  Will it be a life filled with "We need a better car, better house, bigger retirement portfolio?"  or will it be a life filled with "God asked me to go here so I did.  He wanted me to serve there so I did.  He asked me to lay down my life, and I did." 

I pray that each and everyone of us will choose to dive deep into the very heart of God to seek out His very best for our lives and not lose a moment of choosing to live and leave behind the legacy that He desires for us to live!


1 comment:

  1. To have our lives leave anything of changing value for others takes God's working in our lives! Great thoughts girl! ~ Blessings out, Amy
