Sunday, December 2, 2012

Being Real

As I spent sometime praying last week about this blog and what God wanted for it I felt him clearly tell me one thing:

Be Real.  

"Be real in what God?"  I asked.  "Just be real, authentic, you."  Was the reply.

It really got me thinking.  Thinking about how often I try to be perfect.  Thinking how much I strive for structure and order in my life and how that it isn't bad but it can become an idol.  It got me thinking about how I present myself to you.  I give you some of my real.  My real that I want to share, but what about the real I never share?  The me that struggles just like you?  The me that has clutter, piles of dishes, unfolded laundry, and windows in her house that (I can't believe I'm about to say this...) have never been washed since we moved in over 3 years ago.  The me that fails to submit and respect my husband as I should more often than I'd like to admit.  The me that sometimes wants to hide in the bathroom away from my toddler just for a few moments to help maintain my sanity.  I'm just like you.  An imperfect sinner. 

What about you?  Are you really being real?  Are you so focused on achieving perfectionism that you really aren't authentic at all?  Do your friendships run deep or just surface level?  I challenge you today friend to let them see the most wounded, sinful parts of your heart.  Let them in and experience God's healing.   God calls us to let go of the idol that we've made perfectionism into.  I cannot promise that the healing won't come without pain, but I do know that God will bless you in your realness.  He wants all of us.  Not just the surface level parts of us.

And so I give you one of my first reals.  I want you to know how imperfect I am.  I want you to see that my home isn't always in order.  And over time I want you to see more of "my real," but first let's start small....

A photograph of our desk

We live in a small home and so the room you come into when you first enter our home is a sitting room office combo.  Our TV in the room also is our desktop computer.  The desk honestly becomes our catch all and I find myself looking at a messy desk more often than a clean one.  To be honest....I am more guilty of this than Dave and I know it drives him crazy.  

I'm not sure if you can tell this or not, but on the right hand side is a pile of books and papers including library books, bible, random things from the mail, an envelope with work expense receipts in it, a ruler, a box of bags to dispose of diapers in, and yes that is a tipped over bowl of cheerios complete with stale cheerios from the toddler. The right hand side contains a package from Shutterfly with our Christmas cards in them, random paper wads that need to be thrown in the garbage, half empty bottle of water, bills, coffee cup with day old coffee, a bottle of scented handwash that Abbie gave me for my birthday, and a bowl that Dave set there from his lunch at work (luckily its washed :)  

My life has a lot of clutter friends.  From parts of my home to parts of my character that still have sin laced into its cracks.

Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

There is a lot to work on, but by grace I am saved.  By grace my God gives me the freedom to know that He loves me regardless of my shortcomings.  I try to manage my home, live a marriage, be a mom who is honoring to God, but I will always fall short for Jesus was and is the only one who truly ever will be perfect. 

Phillipians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

 I believe we are called to do these things well as Christians   We are called to do our best at the roles he has called us to, but we must remember one thing, it is through his strength that we are able.   Never our own.  My marriage works only when I entrust it to God and his strength to daily lift it up to Him.  My home runs well when I allow Him to lead my day.  I can be the best mama I can be only when my strength comes from God alone.  And when you are tired of the race dear friends, when you don't think you can go on, when you want to throw in the towel, never forget God is able and He wants you to bring your cares to Him:

Matthew 11:28-30 says "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

I give you my imperfect because friends I never want you to feel like my home management tips, DIY posts, I'm married to a chef style recipes, are the expectations you should achieve in your own home.  No friends, Christ calls us to unique things for each of our families.  No family quite looks the same.  What I desire most for your heart as well as my own is that we would be the best women, wives, mothers, friends...whatever God calls us to...and do that with our whole being.  My desire is to help you along in your efforts.  To point you to the cross.  To give you a few tips and some advice in the process.  To provide a place of encouragement and community in your walk with Him and my deepest desire is to know that someday at the end of this life that you would be greeted at the gates of heaven by our Father Himself saying"Well done good and faithful servant."(Matthew 25:21)



  1. Love this post! A burden upon my heart lately has been to be "real" (which is probably why there has been a lack of blogging on my part) but when your dealing with un ugly things it is hard to be real. Yes, my friends are real friends and no clutter friends.

    New follower


    1. Candice,
      Thanks for stopping by! Looks like we follow a lot of the same blogs and have the same encourage other women! So nice to meet you!

  2. Joining you today from TMI link up. Blessings,

  3. Bridget,
    Great topic! My goal is to be a better woman every day. I don't always know how to do that and I mess up. But, I love waking up to life knowing I will at least grow in grace and love. ~ Love ya girl, Amy
